Climate Change

GEF 6 Strategy – Objectives and Programs

Objective 1: Promote Innovation, Technology Transfer, and Supportive Policies and Strategies

  • Program 1: Implement financing strategies to reduce the funding gap for protected area systems and improve management effectiveness of protected areas.
  • Program 2: Develop and demonstrate innovative policy packages and market initiatives to foster new range of mitigation actions

Objective 2: Demonstrate Systemic Impacts of Mitigation Options

  • Program 3: Promote integrated low-emission urban systems
  • Program 4: Promote conservation and enhancement of carbon stocks in forest, and other land-use, and support climate smart agriculture

Objective 3: Foster Enabling Conditions to Mainstream Mitigation Concerns into Sustainable Development Strategies

  • Program 5: Integrate findings of convention obligations and enabling activities into national planning processes and mitigation targets