GEF 6 Strategy – Objectives and Programs
Objective 1: Improve sustainability of protected area systems
- Program 1: Improving Financial Sustainability and Effective Management of the National Ecological Infrastructure
- Program 2: Nature’s Last Stand: Expanding the Reach of the Global Protected Area Estate
Objective 2: Reduce threats to biodiversity
- Program 3: Preventing the Extinction of Known Threatened Species
- Program 4: Prevention, Control, and Management of Invasive Alien Species
- Program 5: Implementing the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Objective 3: Sustainably use biodiversity
- Program 6: Ridge to Reef and Maintaining Integrity and Function of Globally Significant Coral Reef Systems
- Program 7: Securing Agriculture’s Future: Sustainable Use of Plant and Animal Genetic Resources
- Program 8: Implementing the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing
Objective 4: Mainstream conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity into production landscapes/seascapes and sectors
- Program 9: Managing the Human-Biodiversity Interface
- Program 10: Integration of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services into Development and Finance Planning