Home Detail of GEF Project #965
Detail of GEF Project #965
GEF Project ID | 965 |
IBRD PO ID | 73778 |
Funding Source | GEF Trust Fund |
Project Name | Systems Efficiency Improvement, Equitization and Renewables (SEER) Project – Renewables Components |
Country | Vietnam |
Region | Asia and the Pacific |
Focal Area | Climate Change |
Operational Program | 6 |
Pipeline Entry Date | 2001-02-13 |
PDF-B Approval Date | 2001-02-23 |
Approval Date | 2001-12-07 |
CEO Endorsement Date | 2002-05-29 |
GEF Agency Approval Date | 2002-06-25 |
Project Completion Date | 2010-12-31 |
Project Status | Project Completion |
GEF Agency | World Bank |
Executing Agency | Ministry of Industry, and World Bank (Split Arrangement) |
Description | The project will support a long-term programmatic approach to develop renewable energy according to the country’s Renewable Energy Action Plan. The project supports Phase I of the REAP, building renewable energy awareness, demand, and capacity. The project will: (a) building institutional capacity at national, provincial and district levels to implement the Action Plan and develop the necessary policies and regulatory frameworks; (b) facilitate regulatory frameworks that support independent small power producers for small hydro power and other renewable energy generation; (c) establish a fund to finance and support rural community-based electric cooperatives; (d) support development and application of pico-hydro technology; (e) development renewable energy markets and private businesses. This project is the first in a series of projects that are expected to expand renewable energy activities further. |
Implementation Status | EVN is now implementing its reform plan for the period 2003-2005, which includes the equitization of Khanh Hoa province distribution company. EVN has also preparing the reform plan for 2006-2010 which would involve larger scale equitisation of EVN existing power plants and distribution companies. The small hydro rehabilitation component is on schedule to achieve its objective. The wind component is progressing. The community based renewable energy grids component has made progress after the reassessment of risks related to subprojects screening and selection. The component relating to the promotion of grid connected renewable energy has been started. |
PDF B Amount |
350,000 USD |
GEF Project Grant |
4,500,000 USD |
GEF Grant |
4,850,000 USD |
Cofinancing Total |
9,500,000 USD |
Project Cost |
14,350,000 USD |
GEF Agency Fees |
571,000 USD |
GEF Project (CEO Endo.) |
4,500,000 USD |
Cofinancing Total (CEO Endo.) |
9,500,000 USD |
Project Cost (CEO Endo.) |
14,350,000 USD |
Project Documents |