Detail of GEF Project #5412

GEF Project ID 5412
Funding Source GEF Trust Fund
Project Name Promotion of Energy Efficient Industrial Boiler Adoption and Operating Practices
Country Vietnam
Region Asia and the Pacific
Focal Area Climate Change
PIF Approval Date 2013-08-15
PPG Approval Date 2013-08-15
Approval Date 2014-09-11
Project Status CEO Approved
Executing Agency Ministry of Industrial and Trade (MOIT)
Description To reduce energy consumption and green house gas emissions through promotion of the widespread adoption of energy efficient boilers and best operating practices in industry
PPG Amount
53,292 USD
GEF Project Grant
1,771,000 USD
GEF Grant
1,824,292 USD
Cofinancing Total
9,670,000 USD
Project Cost
11,494,292 USD
GEF Agency Fees
168,245 USD
GEF Project Grant (CEO Appr.)
1,771,000 USD
Cofinancing Total (CEO Appr.)
10,282,000 USD
Project Cost (CEO Appr.)
12,106,292 USD
GEF Agency Fees (CEO Appr.)
168,245 USD
Project Documents