Detail of GEF Project #4652

GEF Project ID 4652
Funding Source Multi Trust Funds
Project Name GMS Forest and Biodiversity Program (GMS-FBP) – Creating Transboundary Links Through a Regional Support
Country Regional
Region Asia and the Pacific
Focal Area Multi Focal Area
Approval Date 2014-05-15
Project Status CEO Approved
GEF Agency ADB
Executing Agency GMS Environmental Operations Center; Participating govt agencies, inter-governmental agencies; non-governmental organizations
Description To strengthen transboundary cooperation for the sustainable management of a network of priority conservation landscapes in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)
GEF Project Grant
917,431 USD
GEF Grant
917,431 USD
Cofinancing Total
30,738,000 USD
Project Cost
31,655,431 USD
GEF Agency Fees
82,569 USD
GEF Project Grant (CEO Appr.)
917,431 USD
Cofinancing Total (CEO Appr.)
30,738,000 USD
Project Cost (CEO Appr.)
31,655,431 USD
GEF Agency Fees (CEO Appr.)
82,569 USD
Project Documents