Detail of GEF Project #3103

GEF Project ID 3103
Funding Source Special Climate Change Fund
Project Name Climate-resilient Infrastructure in Northern Mountain Province of Vietnam
Country Vietnam
Region Asia and the Pacific
Focal Area Climate Change
Operational Program SCCF
Strategic Program CC-SPA
PIF Approval Date 2009-04-07
PPG Approval Date 2009-04-07
Approval Date 2009-06-24
CEO Endorsement Date 2012-04-23
Project Status CEO Endorsed
Executing Agency Government of Viet Nam
Description To increase the resilience and reduce vulnerability of local, critical economic infrastructure in the northern mountains areas of Vietnam to the adverse impacts of climate change and to support a policy framework conducive to promoting resilient northern mountains zone development.
PPG Amount
100,000 USD
GEF Project Grant
3,400,000 USD
GEF Grant
3,500,000 USD
Cofinancing Total
176,960,000 USD
Project Cost
180,460,000 USD
GEF Agency Fees
340,000 USD
GEF Project (CEO Endo.)
3,400,000 USD
Cofinancing Total (CEO Endo.)
145,165,000 USD
Project Cost (CEO Endo.)
148,665,000 USD
GEF Agency Fees (CEO Endo.)
340,000 USD
Project Documents