Detail of GEF Project #3025

GEF Project ID 3025
Funding Source GEF Trust Fund
Project Name World Bank/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia (Tranche 1, 2nd Installment)
Country Regional
Region Asia and the Pacific
Focal Area International Waters
Operational Program 10
Strategic Program IW-2
Pipeline Entry Date 2004-03-18
Approval Date 2007-06-14
Project Status Council Approved
GEF Agency World Bank
Executing Agency World Bank
Executing Agency World Bank
Description This 10 mio $ project is the 2nd installment of the first Tranche, of which 1st installment of 25 mio $ was approved in November 2005 by the GEF council. The installment was divided due to GEF funding constraints. The objective of this proposed World Bank/GEF East Asia Land-Based Pollution Reduction Investment Fund Project (the Partnership Fund) is to reduce local, national and trans-boundary degradation of East Asia’s marine ecosystems due to land-based pollution. It would help implement the action plans that are emerging from the GEF-supported planning efforts for the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystems, and the national and local commitments facilitated by the GEF/UNDP/IMO PEMSEA Project (Partnerships for Environmental Management of the Seas of East Asia). Its strategic objective would be to help address the three major gaps in ongoing regional land-based pollution control efforts, which are concentrated in a few large cities and in publicly-owned and managed waste-water treatment facilities. These gaps are: (i) pollution from secondary cities and their industrial complexes, (ii) agricultural pollution, and (iii) private investment and public/private partnerships for pollution reduction The project’s development goal would be to promote sustainable development of the coastal areas of the East Asia region by reducing land-based pollution of its rivers and seas. Its global environment goal would be to promote the environmental sustainability of several of East Asia’s large marine ecosystems by reducing land-based pollution of them. The Partnership would establish a World Bank-implemented, GEF-financed Investment Fund to Address Land-Based Pollution of the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia, the first five-year phase of which would be capitalized with $70-80 million of GEF resources. The Fund would co-finance: (a) a series of large-scale publicly-managed, World Bank co-financed pollution-reduction investment projects or programs in regional land-based pollution “hot-spots”; and (b) a revolving fund or funds to stimulate and co-finance site-specific private and/or public-private land-based pollution investments, particularly in the manufacturing and agro-industrial sectors, also in regional land-based pollution hot spots. It would be loosely modeled on the World Bank/GEF Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund for the Danube/Black Sea Basin, which was established in 2002 and has catalyzed over $400 million worth of anti-pollution measures.
GEF Project Grant
GEF Grant
Cofinancing Total
56,112 USD
Project Cost
56,112 USD
GEF Agency Fees
900,000 USD
Project Documents