Detail of GEF Project #1106

GEF Project ID 1106
Funding Source GEF Trust Fund
Project Name Energy Efficiency Public Lighting (VEEPL) Project
Country Vietnam
Region Asia and the Pacific
Focal Area Climate Change
Operational Program 5
Pipeline Entry Date 2000-07-27
PDF-B Approval Date 2000-08-11
Approval Date 2004-05-21
CEO Endorsement Date 2005-02-14
GEF Agency Approval Date 2005-12-13
Project Completion Date 2011-06-30
Project Status Project Completion
Executing Agency Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology
Description VEEPL is aimed at building both technical and policy support for transition to more energy efficient public lighting in Vietnam. By increasing the energy efficiency of public lighting installed over the next 10 years, the project will significantly reduce electricity consumption by the public lighting sector in Vietnam compared to what it otherwise would have been. Reducing electricity consumption will reduce emissions of GHG from the Vietnamese electricity generation sector. Although VEEPL specifically targets public lighting (street lighting, public spaces and public buildings), the technical capacity and policies established through the project will support lighting efficiency efforts in other sectors as well. In order to remove barriers to the EE of public lighting, VEEPL is organized in 5 components: 1. policy development; 2. technical support; 3. financing; 4. technology demonstration; 5. information dissemination and awareness rising.
Implementation Status Component 1 Policy and regulations: i) National workshop on EEPL policy development was organized by project and VULA in August to discuss initial results of policy developments. As a result from the workshop, all policy papers are revised. Component 2 Technical Support: i) as a result from the consultation at the August workshop, 05 MEPS were revised and fed into the standard development plan of MOST in 2008. For the improvement of testing facilities, 01 set of lighting testing equipment was purchased and installed at the Institute of Material Science to serve the testing need of the manufacturers and training on testing ii) Installation of testing equipment in two laboratories were completed. The testing procedures are developed and fine tuned. Component 3 Financial support: 01 training workshop for about 40 personnel from lighting companies and financial institutes was organized to provide knowledge on financial investment in lighting projects. Component 4; Demonstration: i) Demonstration of EE lighting in school was completed successfully by RALACO. Plan to expand the demonstration in new urban areas are being developed. Component 5 Information: i) The PLIC regularly receives energy consumption reports from cities and urban centres. Project 2nd newsletter was prepared. One TV programme to promote EEPL was produced.
PDF B Amount
309,900 USD
GEF Project Grant
3,000,000 USD
GEF Grant
3,309,900 USD
Cofinancing Total
12,383,000 USD
Project Cost
15,692,900 USD
GEF Agency Fees
382,000 USD
GEF Project (CEO Endo.)
3,000,000 USD
Cofinancing Total (CEO Endo.)
12,383,000 USD
Project Cost (CEO Endo.)
15,692,900 USD
Project Documents